Just purchased this 2012 XC60 T5 2.0l petrol and a message came on within 10km "reduced engine power" but no CEL. Had the codes read as above. My usual mechanic reckons it's "chain stretch". Is he right? If so, does he need special tools to rectify/replace it?

Can you return the car?

Almost guaranteed the chain/gears are worn out.

It will also have the terrible PowerShift gearbox.

You definitely need special timing tools but they're pretty easy to find as it's a ford ecoboost engine.

The dealer has agreed to pay for the rectification of the problem. I have arranged to have it seen by a European specialist in Coffs Harbour next Tuesday. He's the only one interested in looking at it around here. Whether he is able to narrow it down to anything concrete is yet to be seen.

I've attached the printout from the OBD2. Perhaps someone has had this issue previously. The transmission feels really good; I didn't realise they were not liked? If it is beyond the mechanics here, I'll certainly exercise my options on returning the vehicle.

Just get your money back.

It's the worst Volvo ever.

Buy a T6.

The gearbox will implode sooner than later.

The rest of the motor isn't much good.

It's a rubbish Ford underneath when Ford owned Volvo.

Run away.

Tell them you want refund or consumer affairs , A Current Affair andany other news and online places will be informed.

A 2014/15 XC60T6 IS WHAT YOU NEED.