As it says , comes with 85mm lens , has had the pesky winder issue fixed but there is some residual glue on the vinyl at the winder side , it comes off easily.
Igot it from a fanatical old guy who loved it so much he wanted it to go to good home , well i failed him cos i never used it!
Comes with a film and other lenses and bits are available.
Its on Gumtree for the correct asking price but here its $270 for you snappers to give it a good home.
Has case , a deal may be done for the other lenses , i could sell ebay international i reckon but CBF with the hassle really.
Come at me Blokes!!
Need cash to pay for Volvo ADDICTION/s.
P.S , Kidneys available soon , slightly used , one 12 Y/O , second nearly 18Y/O and only slightly tainted with alchohol so far , ohh the 12Y/O one is from a redhead so expect a complete cahnge in attitude once inserted in recipient. Inbox your interest and offers....
Dusty from the old lining in the case it can come with for FWEEEEEE.