240wags This is probably a long shot but I'm after a decent 240 dash for my 91. Less cracks the better. Located in Tas.
ramrod MorningI have a cracked dash but getting it to Tasmania might cost a bit too much for what it's worth
240wags ramrod MorningI have a cracked dash but getting it to Tasmania might cost a bit too much for what it's worthYea that's the problem with being down here. If it was relatively crack free I don't might paying for the frieght expense
1971_144GL I can probably do one from 89 with some smaller cracks. I've only just begun wrecking the car, and will take a look.Located near Hobart.
240wags 1971_144GL I can probably do one from 89 with some smaller cracks. I've only just begun wrecking the car, and will take a look.Located near Hobart.Thank you! Let me know how you go. Much appreciated
1971_144GL I'mI'm not sure it's that awesome sorry, but perhaps professional restoration if you're desperate
240wags 1971_144GL https://cdn.ozvolvo.org/uploads/RXOHN3OZ5GUO/16619309215384224664438431752560.jpgI'mhttps://cdn.ozvolvo.org/uploads/TAO6C4M18FOC/16619309528651360632636752561817.jpgI'm not sure it's that awesome sorry, but perhaps professional restoration if you're desperateThanks for the photos. I'll keep it in mind if I decide to get one restored or wrapped.