Hi gurus,
My 1984 240 Estate had a clapped out battery a few months ago and ended up getting the RACT to bail me out with a new one (would have shopped around and fitted it myself normally but short on time). Fast forward to a week ago and I pulled up at a servo to tank up and car was a non-start, called the RACT again and after a bit of poking around discovered that the earth lead ring terminal had split and dropped off the alternator. Managed to get the ring to close up enough to reattach and jump started the car. All good, but the battery had discharged quite heavily and I'm not doing enough driving at the moment to get it up to speed..
Long story short I've borrowed an old school Arlec battery charger from a neighbour https://www.arlec.com.au/wp-content/files/BC228.pdf and just wanted to check on the procedure for my situation. It's a RACT branded battery around 640 CCA and sealed/calcium style. What would you guys recommend in terms of settings times etc?