Hey guys my auto 850 is having some transmission problems and was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose the problem before I get charged a lot for a mechanic to take the transmission out and look.
I was driving the other day and my car started reving and clicking into gear and reving again, I pulled over to find transmission fluid leaking out everywhere and my car wouldn't go again, it would start up fine but just rev as if it was in neutral.
Later that day I came back with my mate with some transmission fluid and filled it up and was able to get the car driving again for about 500m until I couldn't go anymore because all the fluid had leaked out of the transmission.
Has anyone got any idea what is wrong with it? A seal? Or whole box is stuffed? I would rather an opinion of you guys before i go any further with the mechanic, thanks a lot, Kieran.
Where are you Kieran?
Central coast NSW sorry I didn't say
Anyone got a gearbox they can help install on this beauty , NSW??
Pictures above ^^^ thanks
The gearbox in my 850 sedan is good, regularly serviced too, previous owner kept up the fluid changes. It was smooth and everything worked. Only has 160,000 on it. Only problem is its in Victoria, still mounted to the 850 haha.
Just a thought , check the hoses that go into the radiator , the transmission cooler is inside the radiator. Is the leak from there? Or gaskets on the trans. You must be able to see where so much is going. No need to pull apart for that.
Yeh location is a problem hahah thanks though
Just changed this from a for sale to a technical category also, I want to fix it
Yeah I remember I lost a hose from the tranny to the radiator and lost all my fluid, it was a 20c hose clamp that was the culprit... Put it back on filled it with fluid and off we went.
No transmission goes anywhere without fluid. It sounds like a leak that happened which is typical of a hose or something. If you don't fix the leak it will keep losing fluid and your car won't go anywhere haha. I don't think your tranny is dead because it works if you put fluid in it... Just find the leak.
Yeah it's at the mechanics at the moment waiting to be looked at, I'll let them know to check that and any other leaks before they charge me $600 just to take the transmission out, stupid labour rates haha
Don't pay to get the tranny removed, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it! Good luck mate!
Yeah I would first find out exactly where it's leaking from, which shouldn't need you to do anything more than get under the car and look around with a torch, then report back. The rapid loss rate suggests to me it's something like the cooler hose failing. If it were a gasket or a seal it's more likely it would be a slow leak.