The patient is a recently bought unfinished resto-mod 1975 242DL with a B230F block, a B234 16v head and dual Webers to boot. The icing on the cake is provided by the white-faced rally instruments calibrated in miles and lit in a very bright psychedelic blue.
The car has a unique mix of old and new bits, and I am far from clear yet what is what.
After a carby tuning it is still a bit temperamental but driveable. Within the constraints of the likely M40 box it actually goes like the clappers, but drinks the 98 RON like a fish.
After the initial fire-fighting like getting proper sparker leads and resuscitating the electrical system in general, my plan is to make it more civilized (eg, get intermittent wipers and eventually aircon fitted, maybe power steering), smoothen the rough edges and fight the rust spots (the prep before the closed-door respray in canary yellow was regrettably superficial.
I would love to be able to take it to someone who has seen them all and will not have a heart attack at the sight.
Thanks in advance