Hi Guys,

I have a late year 2000 series S40 T4 that is leaking from the VVT gear. The car has done 240k. From what I've seen on the interwebs, the leak seems to originate from the little plunger on the gear itself. I've confirmed this by cleaning gear and running car..not good for my new T-belt unfortunately. I also read (on other forums) that some people have attempted changing the O-ring on the plunger with various levels of success. Has anybody attemped this fix here? I'm toying with this idea as I bought the car really cheap (no service history after 190k) as a cheap run-around for a few months and was hoping to save on coughing too much $$ on it. The safer option would be coughing up the money and get a new gear but just wanted to know if anyone here has tried the O-ring change fix. Cheers!
