Jayleb My wife is desperate to get her hands on a 240 Wagon. Needs to be ready to drive away. Please let us know if you have one or can direct us where to get our hands on one. Call me on 0431 480 488 if you can help.
Ex850R Ask Mark Iceton at Berry Motor Group , he is club president as well as wheeler and dealer , he had a lovely wagon a while back.
carnut222 Ex850R Ask Mark Iceton at Berry Motor Group , he is club president as well as wheeler and dealer , he had a lovely wagon a while back.LOL Mark Iceton is not club president...at least not the Volvo Club president - that would be Heino Nowatzky. He might know of something about as well??
itsabitsa @Ravanelli prices are all over the shop - I've just been looking at one for sale in the UK and wondering if it is worth shipping out to Australia... https://www.easyliveauction.com/catalogue/lot/7e2d852630ef01e876ef2c32ee2d14ab/0af8d24542e81eb9357e7ef448a6646f/live-online-classic-and-vintage-car-auction-lot-27/?iFrameView=1
Ex850R carnut222 https://ozvolvo.org/discussion/comment/196993#Comment_196993LOL Mark Iceton is not club president...at least not the Volvo Club president - that would be Heino Nowatzky. He might know of something about as well??Ha! I thought he was going for the job years ago so I assumed....