• Troubleshooting
  • '02 Volvo V70XC (Cross Country) Gearbox Gremlins (Amongst other things)

Hello again,

I thought well I'm moaning about the remains of my motor in the 850, I may as well make a note about my Cross Country turbo-wagon.

I bought this beast from Pickles Auctions in January. It was VIV repairable write off, with no structural damage, no popped airbags, simple a dent in the fender, a scratch in the rear door, smashed headlight and smashed front bumper. All up about $1750 in repairs. Got the whole car in the end for around $5500, including full reg. It had 104500 on it when I got it and at the time was worth about 10K so I did well! After it was all fixed up, my baby ended up looking pretty much like any other V70:

The car wasn't perfect though (obviously, it had been crashed), but not only that, although the previous owner serviced it religiously at Volvo dealers and never missed a service, the thing still kind of drove like crap. The wheel bearing was shot and it made this really loud thrumming noise whenever you drove over 50kph. We fixed that and a few other things, but most of my problems are with the transmission, which is actually kind of common with this model year (its a 2002, built like December 2001 I think?).

Anyway, it always used to clunk and bump around. Whenever you coast and then accelerate it sort of bumps in and out. It never goes into drive too quickly. Stick in drive, go grab a coffee, come back and it may have chosen to shake itself into drive. Literally when it finally does decide to go into drive its not comfortable. Reverse is the same sometimes but far less often.

Most of the gears seem to work so driving it isn't actually that bad (especially when its cold!). Once its heated up though, third gear is my problem child. When coasting, the car will drop into neutral (like it idles even when Im still doing 60 or whatever, and slowing down, say your about to turn into a street), and when you accelerate it seems to forget to re-engage third gear, so it will just rev and not move.

The first time it happened I kind of freaked out and floored it, the car hit the red line and when it decided to go into third gear, it was a jolt and a half to say the least.

These events progressively got worse and were happening far too frequently for my liking. One night the car decided to just stop completely and none of the gears worked and I had to abandon it for three hours whilst I waited for the tranny to cool down.

I took the car for a longggg drive to Anglesea, where I went off-roading and broke the radiator (the mechanic tells me it was likely on its last legs anyway, to define off-roading I literally mean a slightly rutted dirt road). When he replaced the radiator he had to drain some tranny fluid, and it was BLACK. Probably the worst condition tranny fluid Ive ever seen, definitely the original as the dealers don't change it due to Volvos "life long transmission fluid" bullshit.

So I took the car to my mechanic (Swedish Wreckers in Keilor East) and had the fluid flushed out and replaced with new fluid and filters. The car drove like an absolute pig on the way home from that. It actually made it so much worse. I didn't drive the car for like 4 days because I hated it.

Eventually mum talked me into driving it in the hopes it would "settle in". And it did, after about a weeks worth of driving it progressively got smoother, and up until recently didn't play up at all.

Recently some of the above symptoms have returned but they are no where near as bad, or as frequent, so the fluid change definitely did help.

Are there any other easy, cheap things I should look at? The mechanic tells me it needs a new valve body but this is $1600 which is kind of a lot. And plus Im not even convinced thats the problem.

The car works better in the manual mode when I do it myself rather than let it decide. It also likes to be hammered. If I gun it everywhere the transmission is smooth as silk and shifts really fast, in either drive or manual mode. Slow and steady however, we have problems.

Some people tell me constant fluid changes solved their issues. Others tell me that they added an external cooler and that helped (this worked on my old car). Others tell me it was their ETM all along. Others tell me they didn't replace the valve body but just its cover thing and that helped. Like I can't get a straight answer and I don't want to throw $1600 out willy nilly hoping for it to get fixed when it might not!

Other issues?
-If you run it below ¼ of a tank it won't start sometimes, mechanic tells me this is a fuel sender unit fault which is kind of common.
-Im not convinced the AWD actually works? Plant your foot on dirt, wet, anything other than bitumen (and hell even bitumen if you try hard enough) and the front wheels will pull a nice burnout, and then the traction control cuts in and Im just not sure if those rear wheels are even trying. Any way to test? Can I disconnect the traction control (there seems to be no switch) and test it that way?
-Power windows, the drivers one slipped out of its mechanism, fixed that. The control is playing up. It used to work fine then bam one day it decided that the AUTO function for the passenger side should no longer work. It also decided that if you roll the driver window from all the bottom to the top in one hit (using auto function) it will cut out half way through and wind it back down. The same controller also decided that when locking the doors, the switch will lock, but it no longer unlocks and I have to use the remote. Same as on the passenger side (I assume the passenger switch uses the drivers as its "master" so if one plays up then so does the other?)
-I have annoying rattle somewhere. Sounds like its buried deep inside the pits of gloom that we call a dashboard so that will be a fun job to replace.

Random questions:
-This car is my long term car, but I think i scored myself the one directly above the base model, although this one is kitted with a sunroof and the geartronic transmission, I don't have heated leather seats, or the (apparently useless?) GPS system, or the car telephone or any of that cool stuff.
-I mainly want heated leather seats, can I retrofit these? Like I can see where the button is supposed to go on the dash (in the climate control bit), but I assume there is not just a wire for it sitting behind is there? That would be too easy?
-Same goes for the power fold mirrors. Can I retrofit these? Again I have a blank switch for them, but Im going to assume no wiring?
-Im assuming if I want the really cool stuff like sat nav and the car phone (these usually go hand in hand anyway right?), I would have to change the wiring loom within the dash?
-And Ill take a guess that because its a VIDA system car, everything is coded, which means I have to buy parts that suit my VIN number, yes? And if I buy anything that this car didn't originally have, will it work or will my car spit the dummy?
-I was thinking if I manage to find like, a stat-write off T5 or some range-topper like that for real cheap thats roughly made around the same time, I should be sweet to transfer the parts? Like really, how fussy is it?

Sorry for the kinda long post, this car annoys me but also really excites me haha, they should hopefully get shorter from here on in!


Glad to join a group of other Volvo enthusiasts, I never used to like these things but since buying one, I am hooked!

It took a few goes to read this , I had a haircut , my teeth cleaned and a trip to Seymour , but finally got through it....
This will save me paying for text messages Jeremy!
i have an '02 xc70 as well, which I paid around $1600 to have the valve body replaced on because of the symptoms you described - but only just beginning to manifest, nowhere near as bad as yours! i also got the fluid flushed and replaced before that to see if it would help.
the valve body definitely helped for around 12 months and its just starting to randomly do the 2-3 rough change and the coast to accelerate jolt as well.
next item on the agenda is to go to the dealer, drop the dacks and get rogered and get them to update the software and re-adapt the trans. apparently the earlier versions of software in these drops the trans into neutral when you coast or are sitting at lights. when you then accelerate it clunks into gear.
The consensus is unless you do the work on the valve bodies , most of them inside the gearbox , its not worth fixing . $2200 or so just for parts from USA pull motor and box and dismantle box , reassemble , not worth paying a dealer for or even worth the parts cost.
Do the flushing and software and keep on flushing as you go?
Ex850R;25845 wroteIt took a few goes to read this , I had a haircut , my teeth cleaned and a trip to Seymour , but finally got through it....
This will save me paying for text messages Jeremy!
Hahaha! Yes it was a bit long in the tooth but I think I got everything out!
Thanks Les! I'll do a compression test on the 850 tomorrow (if its sunny) and let yous know!
powderbomber;25848 wrotei have an '02 xc70 as well, which I paid around $1600 to have the valve body replaced on because of the symptoms you described - but only just beginning to manifest, nowhere near as bad as yours! i also got the fluid flushed and replaced before that to see if it would help.
the valve body definitely helped for around 12 months and its just starting to randomly do the 2-3 rough change and the coast to accelerate jolt as well.
next item on the agenda is to go to the dealer, drop the dacks and get rogered and get them to update the software and re-adapt the trans. apparently the earlier versions of software in these drops the trans into neutral when you coast or are sitting at lights. when you then accelerate it clunks into gear.
It probably does need a valve body, the tranny fluid had never been changed prior, and the symptoms are common with valve body issues haha.
The tranny fluid got changed a few months ago, and according to the receipt the "oil, gasket and filter" got changed as well.
Ive heard that about the software that drops it into neutral but forgets to engage it again, but my mechanic has made no mention of this, they have VIDA up there so I would assume they would check that? Will it cost me anything to get the software checked at the dealer?
Ex850R;25849 wroteThe consensus is unless you do the work on the valve bodies , most of them inside the gearbox , its not worth fixing . $2200 or so just for parts from USA pull motor and box and dismantle box , reassemble , not worth paying a dealer for or even worth the parts cost.
Do the flushing and software and keep on flushing as you go?
Well, it has been much better since the first fluid change, and in all honesty it was probably so filthy it likely needs doing again, but I don't think it got power flushed which it probably should. Any advice on where I can get this done? Im slowly losing faith in my mechanic, they seem very carefree about this transmission.

Ive learnt to sort of live with it, in manual mode its fine so I usually drive it in manual mode all of the time nowadays, and if it is in drive I can usually feel when it plays up and Ill adjust the throttle in an attempt to rev match the engine and gearbox and get a smooth shift.

What about those heated leather seats? After yet another freezing morning Im so keen for them! The heater in this car is great but it does take a good 5 or 10 minutes to warm up haha!
speak to @jonbot about the software.

He has seem determined that the software update prevents them from failing...
the software wont help a rooted box/ valvebody

plugging into VIDA would help, check codes to see if something is stuck and update the TCM software

your AWD is the viscous kind, it dosnt respond that quickly

not too sure about adding the heated seats etc, youd probably need a complete doner car to pull the CMM, seats and (maybe) wiring from, could turn into a pretty big job
Rob;25869 wrotespeak to @jonbot about the software.

He has seem determined that the software update prevents them from failing...

mainly cause it does help, even the 4T65 seems to live with the newest software..... drives like crap though
im assuming updating the software won't cost anywhere near as much as a valve body replacement and/or transmission rebuild so its certainly worth a shot! :)

my mechanic would have had to have plugged it into VIDA to reset the service code (i assume) but he has never mentioned any updates it needs.

ah okay, so its just a response time thing, maybe ill go a little lighter on the accelerator!

yeah thats what i was thinking anyway, buying like a stat write off t5 or any of those range topper models and just transferring everything across, so far through the research I've done as long as its within a certain VIN range it should work. I think basically any pre-2004 model is fine. Im not too fussed about it being a big job, I'm pretty handy with a spanner so Ill work it out and it'll be worth it! Im assuming the CMM is some fancy computer that controls everything?

I think some things, like smaller stuff, can be retrofitted easily as they were dealer fitted options anyway but this doesn't include heated seats lol. I, perhaps stupidly, bought the original brochure and optional accessories brochure and now I want everything!!
assuming a non dealer has spent the coin on a VIDA cart and licence, its its tens of thousands of $
From the k's and the smoothness of the jonbot s60 keeping the software up to date does seem to work.
They had a laptop on a cart that had a lead that plugged into the car, but it might be the offline system which i believe is a fair bit easier to obtain?
egads;25878 wroteFrom the k's and the smoothness of the jonbot s60 keeping the software up to date does seem to work.
291k's and shifts fine

i dont think its ever had a fluid change......................................

quite possibly offline, ask him
Again , talk to Mark ( @Pom on here ) at Volvrek , he will have seats or will get some at some stage. Call as he isn't on here much.
@Jonbot , what has the Xc that you and LT got hold of got init ?
Pretty much only the dealer will be able to do the software update. Welcome to the forum! interesting first car to have. Im assuming you live near keilor downs?
jonbot;25880 wrote
egads;25878 wroteFrom the k's and the smoothness of the jonbot s60 keeping the software up to date does seem to work.
291k's and shifts fine

i dont think its ever had a fluid change......................................

quite possibly offline, ask him
well ill get the software updated at Volvo and see what happens, Ill just assume it costs the same as any other service :/
Ex850R;25886 wroteAgain , talk to Mark ( @Pom on here ) at Volvrek , he will have seats or will get some at some stage. Call as he isn't on here much.
@jonbot , what has the Xc that you and LT got hold of got init ?
Ill call and might just end up driving down there as things are so much easier to explain in person!

Most XCs I find have only got as much stuff as mine, or even less. i think this one is one step ahead as it does have the electric drivers seat?. I have seen a few XCs with heated seats but they have black interiors, mine is "oak" apparently (looks beige to me!)
Vee_Que;25889 wrotePretty much only the dealer will be able to do the software update. Welcome to the forum! interesting first car to have. Im assuming you live near keilor downs?
Ill take it back up to Melbourne City as they were the most helpful, Bilia couldn't have been less interested...
Haha its not my first car actually, its like my 5th or 6th I dunno Ive lost count, but indeed it is such a cool car to have at my age, it just does everything. I live in Alphington actually, a bit of a drive to Keilor but that was the only mechanic we trusted at the time, but since then Ive found a few others, and Volvrek is much closer.
I've personally never had issues with not having heated seats, having had leather seats in cars for the past 6 years and 5am starts and 2am finishing. Wearing enough layers of clothes I've found works fine too ;)

It's more an interested choice compared to the guys who get 240's as first cars, not exactly as fun to drive or my choice of car (check the RWD section of the forum for my assortment of cars)
Its not even that bad, Im not exactly freezing, but I just like to be a snob and have an absolute top of the range beast to show off with haha!

I did look at a 240 recently to replace my old car (and ended up with the 850 instead), I like them, they have a certain charm but are indeed slightly slower and heavier than the V70 tank I have now.
IMHO softwaee update would be pointless at this stage as the harsh shifts are usually due to mechanical wear in the Trans save the coin to throw at the Trans rebuild.
timbo;25945 wroteIMHO softwaee update would be pointless at this stage as the harsh shifts are usually due to mechanical wear in the Trans save the coin to throw at the Trans rebuild.
I dunno though, it shifts perfectly in manual mode. Ill at least ask how much it is to do a software update but it'll have to wait like another week haha. Im probably not even going to bother paying for a trans rebuild, its worth more than the car!