Vee_Que Wrecking a Factory Black 89' 760 GLE, selling the whole interior including the electric front seat and carpets (will need a clean but not torn etc) Leather in good condition and the electric seat works perfectly, comes with wiring that runs to the connect under the dash, if fitting into the earlier style 740/760 dash car, will need different wiring for the fuse but the relay wiring will be the same, which can be supplied. $200 located in South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne.
OldnDecrepit I'd be interested in a tan 760 powered seat in good condition to go in my 740. Let me know if you find one.
Vee_Que I'm not planning to wreck anymore cars actually for a long time so I don't think I can help you. Unless you buy my seats and a new seat cover and do it that way.
Vee_Que I also have one average passenger side black leather and one average driver seat in black. And one average tan non powered seat. I can also do 850 and s/v70 seat conversions for 7 and 9 series.
Vee_Que Bump. Price is negotiable as they will otherwise go to scrap as I have no storage room. As well as my black leather front seats and some worn tan fronts and one cloth leather seat.
Ex850R Alex , I am interested in making a chair out of the passenger black leather one if its in reasonable nick? I have some nice aluminium chair bases with good gas lifts I can graft on. Pity Pom sent that 740T to scrap with seats... Send me some pics of its condition? Cheers. Les , 0437 886 223
Vee_Que There is a pic of it in my cars thread. But Id rather move the Grey ones and tan ones first before making the matching seats from my car go. The leather is a fair bit cracked though for both seats really.
irishbastard Alex, Can u give me a call when u have time, in regards to ur seats, tried calling before but ur probably at work, u should already have my number, but if not let me know, cheers Darcy
irishbastard Yep, maybe, I'm more interested in the black leather front seats though, I wouldn't mind seeing some pics of them first though, it'll either be the black leather front ones or the grey interior, I'd prefer the black leather if it's in good condition
Vee_Que On ebay
Ex850R Good luck Alex , no joy here at all... Let me know if splitting the black interior I am still keen on the front/s if right price of course! :D L.
Vee_Que I think the black fronts will stay with me just to keep the match with my rear seats that are in the car. And they are pretty severely cracked anyway.