egg The dash is very similar to mine. Cheers, I'd still be interested in the cargo net cover trim. If it's no trouble.
AshDVS 1971_144GL Hi Ash,They look excellent, probably under cover most of their life. Should clean up well. I should be over in a ute a couple of times in the near future. I will probably only be able to give a a morning to the car before towing it away, but will salvage what looks okay if I can - not that many people seem to love this model - and I don't need more piles of Volvo clutter. will try to grab what others have asked about.Good engine and transmission, but I don't think I want to store them.The car is seven seat.The dash is split at the airbag cover, as they all pretty much are. mate, just keep me in the loop as to your movements and when you might head across.