rado Looking for a set of 5 Green injectors for an 850 R please , posted to WA . Bought a set in june but looks like they're lost in post .. paypal or dd either is good .Cheers
gavinh Have you tried Adam at Frank O'Gradys or the guys at Perth Swedish autos, also if your a member of WAVE on FB put a post on there, and look for a guy called Joel Cadlolo he's a bit of a guru on the P80's
rado https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/6-X-GENUINE-BOSCH-42lb-INJECTORS-0280155968-440cc-GREEN-EA-EL-AU-BA-BF-XR6-LS1/114027964821?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649think this is what i was looking at but does not say for 850's
rado egg Look at the part number. It doesn't say Suzuki gti but I run them there too..You're a gentleman , i always forget to look at part numbers ? , problem solved
rado Jamest5r_ I have a set of VXR 470cc injectors that used to be in my car before I upgraded to 550cc? day late Jimbo , bought new ones