240 I have 2x 240 grilles, $35 each. Can post if necessary.#1 is an eggrate style grille from a 1981-82 model, #2 is from a 1983-85 model.Both could use a clean but are in decent condition.
240 @ljk346 sorry @242GT got in before you by 1 minute sorry! But I can let you know if it falls through for whatever reason.Unless you want to enter into a bidding war but I don't think that's in the spirit of Oz Volvo
242GT If you go flat bonnet, I've got a spare genuine 1980 grill that suites the twin rectangular head lights as my GT was one of the last compliance December 1980. It came with the twin California lights each side.
242GT I think you can use the normal long rectangular lights as I've seen that done, the California twin lights are a pain to be honest, only rwason mine are still there is that's how the last of the gt's were built
240 @ljk346 I assume you know that the cowl panel below the windscreen won't line up with a flat bonnet?