DCW242 I’m looking for one of these decor panels that goes between the tail lights on a 2 series sedan
pigdog seen this on fb turbobricks classifieds : https://www.facebook.com/groups/449847379279058/permalink/622600532003741/?sale_post_id=622600532003741
pigdog Redblock Society on fb also had 2 , the NOS one sold but think the used one is still availablehttps://www.facebook.com/redblocksociety/photos/a.346505346202103/709558109896823/?type=3&theater
pigdog Or if you have money to burn there's a NOS one available at euro-motion https://euro-motion.weebly.com/store/p2/Volvo_240_Decor_Panel_-_NOS_Factory_Accessory.html
Ex850R At those prices why not get some reflective film thats the same from safety supplier and put it on the old panel........Crazy money , costs more than most 240s!!