I have a 1994 940GL wagon and it cranks freely but will not fire. Spark is good. I don't suspect the timing.

Fuel is my chief suspect. So I am trying to remove the tank pump. But I defy a mortal human to remove the pump/sensor assembly from the tank and extract it through the laughably named "access panel" in the body.

I can get the assembly out of the tank but it will not go through the access panel hole.

Next step is to drop the tank. Rather not if there is a better way. I have read that in some models the tail shaft has to be disassembled as well. Spare me please.

Can some knowledgable person clue me in on what I should do?

Don't touch a thing until you've diagnosed the fuel pump relay, radio suppression relay and it's wiring, RPM sensor before doing anything with the fuel pump

I have checked the pump fuse. It's good. But I have not checked the relays or the rpm sensor.

I will do these before going any further with the pump.

Thanks Ramrod

PS I will report back with progress.

The pump should prime (run for 2 or 3 seconds) when you turn the key to run (without starting it)

My first question is always.... has the fuel filter under the passenger side rear seat been replaced? It can clog and cause issues like this

Being a 1994 model, there should also be a T piece with what appears to be a tyre valve under the car, which is fitted in the fuel line between the tank and the main fuel pump. It's possible to attach a fuel pressure gauge to it and check there's fuel pressure from the in-tank pump.

In tank pump p/n is 1389721 for NA cars; 351854 for turbos.

Main pump is a Bosch 0 580 464 068 for NA, or 0 580 464 025 for turbos.

1995 for sure has a single pump, 1993 has two pumps 1994 could be either I'm not sure

What is the VIN?

The New Car Features 1995 Greenbook says LH2.4 cars got the single pump that year. (I'd do a screenshot, however this USB-stick-thing with Greenbooks needing Lock Lizard to open them, disables screen shots while it's active).

I got the FP part numbers above straight out of the Pocket Data Book.

From YM 95 on, it shows the single FP part numbers as Bosch 0 580 453 033 for NA, and 0 580 453 037 for turbos (p.34, TP 0302207 May 97 edition)

Pre 95 had different part number types - 0 580 464 xxx for earlier main FPs versus 0 580 453 xxx for single main FPs, so I presume the 453 series pumps are fuel resistant.

bgpzfm142, ramrod, broken ...,

The build date is Nov.93. Makes it sound older but build date is probably better than date of sale, 29.6.94.

The VIN is YV1945856R1106613

I will look for a tyre valve type T piece in the fuel line to the second (pressure) pump.

And I will check the fuel filter with that pump.

I am terrible slow with doing things but my youngest (and last) moves out of home on Sat 4 July (tomorrow, yahoo) so I hope I will be able to focus on the 940. There seems to be no cure for getting slower as you get older. Your various suggestions are invaluable and encouraging.

I will keep you posted with progress.

Being an 11/1993 that makes your car a 1994 model

Have a look underneath and check if there is a fuel pump next to the fuel filter, it would be good to know if you have just the pump in the tank or both