turvolvo_kid Store is Not completed, More Volvo stuff to come, Prices may be cheaper in the near future.We can Also Make specific parts to suit, so if you have something you want, we can design and print it for you.https://www.facebook.com/117168450032133/
turvolvo_kid Volvo 240 cupholder$25Free postage anywhere in AustraliaMore parts on our Facebook store Please note* Parts come sanded and smoothed unlike the item below. Photos will be updated.
carnut222 I reckon there might be a market for these Turbo badges. Prices for used ones is astronomical. Even if they're just black without the chrome outlining! I have one that I MIGHT be able to allow to be used for a sample. I also did detailed measurements and photos for a guy a while back.
turvolvo_kid carnut222 I reckon there might be a market for these Turbo badges. Prices for used ones is astronomical. Even if they're just black without the chrome outlining! I have one that I MIGHT be able to allow to be used for a sample. I also did detailed measurements and photos for a guy a while back.https://cdn.ozvolvo.org/uploads/931/GRN5VEXKTWMO.jpegwe can do mix Filament Prints with our double extruder printer and the finish would be perfect if it was made out of Abs ( the same stuff lego bricks are made out of) I think i might have that badge in my collection.
c30c30 If you're commercially printing designs from Thingiverse then you must respect the license.I have a lot of Volvo designs up there and if you were to pass mine off I'd be really pissed.
turvolvo_kid c30c30 If you're commercially printing designs from Thingiverse then you must respect the license.I have a lot of Volvo designs up there and if you were to pass mine off I'd be really pissed.Yes we respect the license and even if we are not in the wrong, we still try to meet the designer in the middle with commission, one of the annoying things is having people get angry at us for using their design when the license it is under allows for it. We message every designer asking for permission even if we don't have to.we hope to be making more of our own stuff in the near future for the car community.