samin Hi @Snoopy, I just bought a red 850R and keen to get a rear spolier for it. also the gear shifter you had (I think the colour matches..)
Ex850R Nice one! Like my old 855R but mine was shiny! The spoler needs its mount brackets (doubt i have them stashed....) Shift knob sold .
samin Ok. How much for the spoiler? It would be great if you could find the mounting brackets, but if you don't I assume these are easy things to source?
240 Ex850R Have a CAT back to tailpipe exhaust for C30T5 ( possible other like s40??) cut at rear muffler , pix to come and also a Swedish bracket to move the ECU when you put a big filter kit in the C30T5 ( crazy prices new ! ) its not been used afaik..Could do a muffler mod on this if you want to have more noise on your C30 , ill weld a proper joiner at the cut so swap in much easier. Then you can have noise or quiet easily enough!Pix and prices to come.Or msg me.@Ex850R can you PM me when you have pics and prices of these
Ex850R 240 can you PM me when you have pics and prices of theseSure can.
Drwillis Might be keen on the 320mm brakes. Are they worth it from 302mm? Still single but bigger piston?
Ex850R Drwillis Might be keen on the 320mm brakes. Are they worth it from 302mm? Still single but bigger piston?Ive not used them but disc size helps just as the move to 302mm does and 302 isnt enough at all. Pm me.
gavinh Hey @Ex850R what the crack, do you still have the heater core, shifter knob and strut tops still avalible?Cheers Gav
Ex850R gavinh Hey @Ex850R what the crack, do you still have the heater core, shifter knob and strut tops still avalible?Cheers GavIll shoot you a pm.
240 P80 and P1 strut mounts are not interchangable so which ones are they?You sure you don't mean P80 + P2?
Ex850R DarylGama i am interested in the upper poly mount bushing.Poly bush is gone , my Oct 6 update listed this.