Yeah u can just poke a wire in there once you've removed it.
egads (she/her)
Coolio, will check it out.
If you need any parts wrecking a 1995 lpt 940s with some good crash damage Ouch @-)
egads (she/her)
Running on e85 now. LH2.4 is a champ of a stock EFI.
Swap to 3" AMM
and to 42lb injectors
Will run better and have better economy
Also turn boost up to 13psi for shens if on E85...
egads (she/her)
That is the approximate plan. Keep 13c go to 0.8 bar or so possibly a touch smaller than the 42lb and tlao type chippy goodness.
how do you run the e85 without flex fuel sensor?
egads (she/her)
lh2.4 has a massive amount of adapability and the stock injectors have plenty of spare overhead as the hpt injectors are in the lpt.
This thread and careful maths helps too.
egads (she/her)
21.1l for 156.7 kms.
15 per 100 isn't bad....
But if its going to be like that its time for a 19t+cam+stuff so you have fun at 20psi while doing it
egads (she/her)
It is still learning and is running rich. I would rather it run rich though at least for the moment.
egads (she/her)
Sway bar endlinks now have poly bushings, much less wobble. Still needs the torque ones probably and balljoints and inner and outer steering rods. Good news is that brakes just need a bleed, plenty of rotor and pad.
egads (she/her)
Overdrive solenoid atill not happy though, clean and clear but not kicking overdrive til 20 mins of driving. Thinking of fitting the bypass plate from ipd.
If you connect the dots using a Dremel on the solenoid it will be the same thing as the bypass plate
The relay does go on occasion as well
egads (she/her)
Resoldered the relay a while baxk and kicks in after the same amount of time. Joining the dots sounds like a plan.
whats the light on the dash doing when the solenoid isn't working?
egads (she/her)
Nothing, should it be?
Should be off
Just checking :-)
egads (she/her)
And when it is working button engages and disengages.