• For sale
  • 240 parts: Extractors, cupholder armrest, rear blind, manual window winder parts

For sale located in Box Hill, Vic

240 N/A Extractors made by Hurricane. Never installed, changed mind. $150

Blue centre cupholder armrest. Very rare item, 8/10 condition. Some plastic on the cupholder parts have chipped or cracked. Still works fine and looks good. Very comfy on long drives! $100

Rear retractable blind, suit blue interior. Plastic clips that hold it up have broken, blind and retractable system in good condition. $10 or free with either of the above items, or if you ask nicely and pick up.

Manual window parts. Did electric conversion, all manual parts up for grabs. Let me know what you need. $10 for the lot or free with any of the above items.

Postage is available at your cost. Pictures will be posted as soon as possible when I get the car back, hopefully tonight or tomorrow night.


12 days later
It's a 240 one which doesn't fit 7s..
i'm interested in the extractors if they're still vailable.
I want the armrest!
Pm me a price shipped to 2148
3 months later
Sorry mate, extractors and arm rest sold