I have a number of surplus engines in Victoria, free if picked up, otherwise they are going to scrap in a couple of weeks time.

B23E with 405 head, 600k, no cam or intermediate shaft.

B23E bare block and crank, both have light surface rust.

B23E from a 242GT, so has no breather box on the block. Unknown mileage and condition.

B230ET, about 300k, apparently in good condition but I never saw it running. I will keep the oil cooler adapter or sell it.

B230ET from my 760T, 500k, ran well with good compression but piston slappy.

B21A, no cam or intermediate shaft. I may keep the wiring harness.

B21E, apparently ran well, no intermediate shaft.

11 days later

Interested in the 405 head B23.

No worries, I do also have a much nicer B23E for sale.

10 days later