So I've realised that I've been really anti-social (more so than normal) and haven't made much of an effort to get know my fellow Canberra and surrounding area folks. To remedy this I was thinking of a pre-Parkes BBQ so we can get to know each other, take the piss and eat some food!
Now I don't know much of the area and have stuck close to home on the bike so I'm more than happy for suggestions on where to have it. I'd offer my house but it's a unit so there's SFA parking and space around the barbie for chairs. My backup solution would be Lake Ginnnnneennnnderra where there's a few electric barbies. There's also the big lake too.
Thoughts? Timings?
I'll tag a few people to get it started (I'm sure I've missed plenty), please tag others you know in the area!
@egads @Wino, @spac