Slowbrick Ok so pulled the alarm. It fixed the 12v issue and as it turns out it was wired into the injector pulse line :| Car started straight away and didn't stall. Issue now is that it takes about 3-5 goes to get it to start regardless if hot or cold. I drove it about 15kms and it died just as I came into the driveway. Wont restart. Has spark and I'm assuming fuel but I'm tired and going to a BBQ so it will have to stay there till I get time. Perhaps its a faulty FPR not holding pressure?
Spac egads;20170 wroteAsk at @Spac how retarded alarms like that are. Pulling the one from the 940 this week. It has killed its last battery. That's a new fuck up. It did love to have a sulk if battery voltage dropped to 11.999999999V (or whatever it was). I had a dead battery that held 12.6V but couldn't supply any useful current - but with some jumper leads it would hold the voltage up enough for the immobiliser to not crack the irits.
egads (she/her) It gets set off waaaay to easily by cats and doesn'thave a low battery cut off so just goes til the battery is dead. Did it to my bro who isn't nearly as car savvy. Immobiliser thing also crazy annoying.
Tigabu Philia_Bear;20180 wroteso... for the 20th time... fix the effing wiring This ^ - have yet to own an older Ovlov that would have benefited from a new chunk of loom, and two that got pretty much what Myke put links up for. My GT was fuckin horrid.
Slowbrick Ok so I think I may be onto something. Ive noticed that it provides fuel when the key is turned to II but when cranking the fuel stops. Why is this?
Jim Has anyone taken the ignition switch apart? Maybe as part of the alarm? I had the same problem when I accidentally switched two wires in the ignition switch whilst repairing some dodgy wiring. The car would only catch going from start back to to II.
Slowbrick It has been apart before when the dodgy asian did the alarm. I suppose I will need to find a wiring diagram! should have one I hope.
sloth fuel pump should have 12v when crank and running. stuff 12v to the pump direct and see if it carries on running.
Slowbrick Turns out the issue was the rubber plugs in the engine to body harness bulkhead had broken down causing the bulkhead to effectively disconnect. Seems to all work ok now :D Thanks everyone for the help. It is much appreciated