'84 240 with an m46, sometimes grinds going into reverse, not every time and sometimes more or less grinding
sounds as if one shaft is spinning and the other isn't
tried pumping the clutch and putting it into a forward gear (both 1 and 2) and moving forward slightly but nothing really makes a difference.
any ideas what it could be?
thought that but it seems to pick up pretty nicely and isn't slipping
clutch not fully disengaging because the clutch lever is starting to wear? You know when the ball pushes through it??
hmmm, that would make sense thinking about it, ill try have a fiddle next time i get a chance
I had the wrong (Saab) pressure plate on my 240 when I got it, it had a similar problem but in other gears too. Moral of the story, the clutch wasn't fully disengaging like how Nick describes.
My 242 actually has a similar problem now but I haven't looked at it yet. I'd be interested to hear what you find.
yeah, it needs a bit of force to go into 1st sometimes as well, had always just written it off as old gearbox problems since id never thought of the clutch lever being the culprit, will update when (if) i find out what's happening
My 740 HP with an M46 gearbox grinds into reverse, though sometimes it goes smoothly into reverse, I don't think it's a cluch because of it being an occasional thing, but wouldn't be surprised if I get proven wrong :D , I haven't had any other problems with other gears, just reverse, but sometimes it takes a lot of push to get the car into gear 1, so you're solution is probably going to be the same as mine, clutch or gearbox rebuild ;)
yep, sounds like you're having the exact same problem as me darc, sometimes it goes into gear nicely, sometimes not
Yeah, I hope it's not anything to major, I need the car to make it to parkes in September for the ozvolvo national meet [-O<
Edit: I could drive my 740 gl, but it's not as fun, lol [-X
yep, i have about 2000k's on the road planned for july, plus a +t in the works, then parkes...
might try changing the fluid sometime soon as well, see if that helps any
My '82 244 with the M46 does this exactly. For cold start it's sometimes a little difficult to get into 1st but once its in, it's smooth going into reverse. It makes a nasty grinding sound if I go straight into reverse without first going into 1st. After the car warms up all gears including reverse are silky. Just adding my experience, hope it helps!
Yep, my 740 HP will be converted to an auto in the near future
irishbastard;21995 wroteYep, my 740 HP will be converted to an auto in the near future
Really.. you are going to convert it to Auto? seems a little bit of an odd thing to do.
Rob;21999 wroteirishbastard;21995 wroteYep, my 740 HP will be converted to an auto in the near future
Really.. you are going to convert it to Auto? seems a little bit of an odd thing to do.
Not really rob,but yeah I'm really serious about converting it to auto at this point, or I was thinking of selling it and buying an 850R Sedan, manuals are basically tiring and make me restless when I'm driving, especially in melbourne in stop/ go traffic ;)
Harden up then princess:-P
volvodriverman;22003 wroteHarden up then princess:-P
Haha, yeah, :) I know but my 740HP isn't as good as an 850R Sedan, that's why I'm thinking of selling the HP and buying an 850R Sedan ;)
I guess it depends what you want & like. There's always something "better" but being content with a rare classic manual turbo Volvo as your first car is a pretty good place to be in my opinion ;)
Darc, I am interested to do a Auto and Manual swap in my 940 (with a nice AW71), interest in a straight up swap ? lol (I assume everything is the same on 740s and 940s)