Brief rundown of the A/C problem.
I checked the car a couple of weeks had lost a bit of refrigerant probably due to sitting around at the car yard before @240 picked it up. Had approx 360grams.
Once it was charged up I checked the vent temps and it got down to minus7, pressures were spot on.
Had another look yesterday and when first started the vent temps would reach minus7 , but while driving around it was struggling to maintain anything lower than 10degrees.
Checked the pressures once it was hot and both high/low were high @ 275psi/50psi
The 2 causes of this can be overcharged with refrigerant/poor condenser flow.
Evacuated the gas to check how much gas was in it = 530grams which is exactly what I put in it.
Had a close look at the condenser and intercooler which both have considerable bent fins from road debris.
Blew the cores out with compressed air and got a fair bit of debris out of them.
A/C is no longer struggling to maintain vent temps due to improved airflow through the condenser.