Looking for some wiring help - Does anyone know the pins/colours of the can-bus wires that connect to the back of the integrated audio module ?
What year are you thinking?
I found my P80 ones online. They change colours and swap pins BTW 96 and 98yr.
ah may have put this under the wrong vehicle category - it is for a 2010 C70
It's OK, put the year in the heading.
I am just going to look for myself!
I am putting an amp in place of the factory one in 2011 v60.
I imagine the USA forums will be best help.
I'll do a search and post here. Unless you get it first!
Not 100% sure on Volvo but most other vehicles the 2 CAN wire are always twisted together and should read 60ohms between the 2 wires (CAN_H,CAN_L)
13 days later
Thanks, on checking the wiring loop it appears that there are twisted wires (but three wires twisted together - weird ) - seems like I will be digging out the multi-meter
If it's CAN the 3rd wire could be a shield wire it stops interference it's normaly just to earth. Common CAN colours are green and yellow but I am not sure on Volvo